
Featured Articles

Paige Frisone
Read Paige's story behind Inner Realm Wellness LLC

A bit more about me...


I'm a self-growth enthusiast who strongly feels that healing can be a pleasant experience. After losing a decade of my life to anorexia, severe depression, anxiety, and ineffective prescription meds, I've experienced firsthand the non-linearity of health and healing. In hindsight, I believe that both Western and alternative medicine protocols dismiss the influence of the subconscious mind and its role in healing. The depth and diversity of my personal, academic, and professional experiences fuel my life missions. The forgetting and remembering of our truth is part of life's journey, but we can do so with grace, compassion, and softness. As a heart-centered practitioner and creator, I aim to transform the healing and recovery processes for those who are ready for change.

Fields of specialty:

Eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image concerns
Depression, anxiety, and internal instability
Physical symptoms and diagnoses of all kinds
Low self-esteem and identity
Relationship dynamics
Financial concerns
Nervous system regulation
Spiritual trauma

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